Instruction Instruction

 | Post date: 2017/11/4 | 
Instruction to authors
The Journal of Suicide Prevention (JSP) welcomes authors who want to share their articles including: original, systematic review, meta- analysis, traditional review, brief communication, commentary, letter to the editor, editorial, book review, film review, etc. in suicidology from all over the world. The following instructions have to be exactly followed by the authors in preparing their final manuscript.
Cover letter: Title, authors’ names and affiliations, and the corresponding author’s fax and phone numbers and email address are to be mentioned in the cover letter. Title must reveal the exact content of the study in a concise phrase. It does not contain any abbreviation.
Abstract: Abstract must reveal a preview of the entire paper in up to 250 words. It contains Background and Aims, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions followed by Keywords (3-6 words) as its headings. No abbreviation is allowed to be used in the abstract except when it is defined in the first use.
The paper contains the following headings:
  • Introduction: Introduction provides the background of the study and clearly presents the subject. It contains the objective and rational of the research and also refers to the literature pertinent to the subject.
  • Method: This section includes the type of the study (observational, experimental, cross-sectional …), the materials, subjects’ description (age, gender…) and also the statistical methods used for data analysis.
  • Results: The results of the study are presented using the figures and tables. There must exist a logical ratio between the number of figures and tables and the article page number. The results have to be stated in the past tense.
  • Tables: Tables are to be numbered consecutively and presented with the captions placed above in separate pages. Each table must include a title.
  •  Figures: High quality figures must be used on separate pages with captions placed below. The same data is no permitted to be presented in tables, figures, and text.
  • Discussion: Discussion contains the main findings of the study and their pertinent elaborations in specific details. The results have to be compared and contrasted with other studies with the same objective. The study limitations and the future implications of the findings are also to be stated in this part.
  • Conclusion:  This section highlights the new and significant findings of the research and the consequent conclusions.  The conclusions have to be in line with the objectives of the study.
  • Acknowledgment: Acknowledgment permits the authors to appreciate the contributors to the research including people or organizations.
  • Reference: References have to be mentioned based on the Vancouver Style.
  • In the text: References have to be numbered in the order they have been mentioned in the text. The numbers are stated in the squared brackets. The original number is used for the references that are reused in the text. In the case of direct quotes, the statement must be mentioned in the quotation marks, and then the reference is given as the previous part.
  • In the reference list:  All references are mentioned in the order first mentioned by number, not alphabetically.  Authors’ last names and initials are mentioned; when the number of authors is more than six, after the first name "et al." is used and all names are not mentioned.  In the title, the first letter of the first word is to be capitalized and the rest words, except the proper names, are to be written in lower-case.  The title must not be underlined or italicized.  
 Copyright:  The authors need to undertake that their articles are the original ones and are not published or under publishing anywhere else.
Manuscript file format:  The manuscript file must be prepared in .docx format in the following fonts:
  • Title: Times New Roman 14 (Bold)
  • Authors’ names: Times New Roman 11 (Bold)
  • Authors’ affiliations : Times New Roman 10 (Bold, Italic)
  • Headings: Times New Roman 12 (Bold)
  • Abstract: Times New Roman 10
Review Process: The received articles are checked for plagiarism in services such as iThenticate and will go through a peer review process in which the article quality is controlled and the article is evaluated by the reviewers selected from the editorial board. Then, the corresponding author will be informed about the result of the review that is the article is accepted, rejected or requires some modifications.
Ethical considerations: The informed consent must be signed by all human adult participants and for children the informed consent must be obtained from their parents or legal guardians. The study also has to be approved by the ethical committee of the related institution.
Conflicts of interest: Sources of funding and potential conflicting interests are to be stated by the authors. It includes the received funds or fees from an organization or  stocks holding in an organization.
Online submission: The articles are accepted through the website of JSP ( The authors can contact our subscription manager by sending an email to:

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